Reference Solutions Databases
- U.S. Businesses
104 Million Businesses and 4.5 Million Closed Businesses - U.S. Historical Businesses
397 Million Historical Records - Canadian Businesses
2.5 Million Businesses - U.S. Jobs / Internships
7 Million Job Postings - U.S. New Businesses
2.1 Million New Businesses - U.S. Healthcare
2.5 Million Physicians & Dentists - Jobs Library
My Jobs Library Postings
- U.S. Standard White Pages
161 Million Residents - U.S. Consumers / Lifestyles
321 Million Individuals - Canadian White Pages
11 Million Individuals - U.S. New Movers / Homeowners
11 Million Records
- SecureUSA
For Law Enforcement Investigations
- Universal Search
Simultaneously search businesses and consumers
The premier source
of business and residential informationfor reference and research.
Welcome to Reference Solutions
Welcome to Reference Solutions, the premier reference and research database for small business owners. Reference Solutions gives you the flexibility to choose from hundreds of individual, geographic or neighborhood data selections and makes it easier than ever to conduct research on more than 44 million companies and 271 million residents.
- NEW! U.S. Historical Businesses Module
We are proud to announce the launch of our new U.S. Historical Business module! Small business owners can now evaluate businesses or industries during any time from 2003 to 2014. Searches can be conducted using multiple selections including geography and business type/size. Use the advanced mapping and charting tools to visualize changes and trends over time. Contact your sales rep for further details.
Who uses Reference Solutions?
The most powerful reference tool in the industry is bound to get used by a wide variety of people. Find out more about who uses our services by visiting the About Us page.